Friday, June 25, 2010

how to hold your iphone 4

iphone 4 loosing reception when in placed your hands

iphone 4 loosing reception when in placed your hands

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mom Cat hits Baby Cat

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

World's Slowest Porsche

World's slowest porsche.... hehehe... 

Toshiba commercial - Best friends

Two best friends, separated, but then reunited through the world of technology.  

Turtle Hero!!!

Super cute turtle helps his friend.  ^^  Let's help each other and create world peace. :) 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

having fun with emaxx in a baseball field

Finally, sun is showing up in Seattle. So I had a chance to play with emaxx.

BP Spills Coffee

Very well made video.

Friday, June 11, 2010

the eyes of a driver

looks like a lot of fun.

Car Racing

24 HOURS IN 19500 FRAMES from tim hahne on Vimeo.

I wish I have one of these racing going on around me. so that I can go and watch.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

so you think you can iron

very cool

When Macintosh Classic meets iPad

There are so many creative people in the world. I need to live better~~!!

Sharp SPC 314 Alarm Clock

This is the thing that wakes me up in the morning at the same time 6:30 am every weekdays. I don't like it in the morning, but I like other than that time. I guess nobody at my age uses alarm clock anymore since everyone has their cellphones set as their alarms.

Make your own parking spot in a busy downtown

What do you do when you can't find your own parking spot? Here is a solution.

Korean Traditional Dress

My 1st traditional korean clothes, or Hanbok, which I wore for my wedding. These were ordered and delivered from South Korea since they were custom fit. Really love the colors, especially pink! The material is very comfortable to wear and so light. One of my favorite dresses in my closet.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Eating behind the wheel puts you at risk of food poisoning

Eating behind the wheel puts you at risk of food poisoning
The research shows that eating in a car can make you sick from food poisoning. The scientists said that if you must eat in your car, it will be better to clean you car as much as you clean your kitchen table.

Does your car air conditioner stink?

Does you car smell bad when you have your ac on/off. You probably have mold or bacteria growing in your car ac system. The Lysol spray is a great solution for the problem. It is cheap and easy to find.
This method worked for me, my brother, and other people I know.

1. start you car, turn on your fan to max with AC, and set the air flow from outside (not recirculate)
2. spray the Lysol into the air vent that is located outside the car for 30 seconds
3. roll-up your windows (if not rolled up) and set the air flow to recirculate.
4. keep the AC on for about 2-3 mins
5. vent the car to remove any excess scent from the spray

It is the best if you do this every 6 month or at least a year. If you are a smoker you might have to do this more often than a non-smoker.

*I will not be responsible of any damage or any other problems, so please do this at your own risk. *

My lovely element

If you wanna see the entire picture, click on the picture.

This is Honda element. Perfect vehicle  for camping and other outdoor activity. I love my element.

Seattle's Gum wall

This is Seattle's gum wall. The wall is covered by previously-chewed-colorful-chewing gum. It's pretty but pretty nasty, too. I was trying to take a picture by it because the color was so pretty, but I could not get closer to it 

Rainbow Rose

Have you ever seen this rose? This is a real rainbow colored rose that I saw in Seattle's Pike place public market. 

Jay Leno's Ecojet

a diesel powered jet engine in a car= Jay Leno's Eco jet. I would be so happy to have one, but my neighbors wouldn't.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

traxxas stampede

XL-5 stock traxxas stampede with rear locked differential.  The two 5500 mah 7.2v NIMH batteries were connected as parallel so the car was running with extra weight.

###side note###
I made my locked differential by putting hot glue in it. However, after a while I didn't like the locked differential, so I tried to get the glue out, it was almost impossible to take all the glue out. Then I realized it would kinda work as limited slip diff; when the differential gears gets hot, the glue melts and lets differential work. When the gears are cold, the glue hardens and the gears get locked up. It's been working great without a problem.

fast cart looking motocycle

Yes, I said that right, "fast gocart looking motocycle." It looks like a gocart that has hayabusa engine, so I think the word makes sense. It is fast and it is very fun looking. If you don't want to spend that much on this cart and you still want to keep it, the price tag for you is $25,910(less power). if you have a lot of money and nowhere to spend other than this car, than the price for you is $50,610(bigger power). Plus as you might have figured, you can't go on a grocery shopping on this thing, not street legal. After I saw this car I started to think what Mercedes I can get with about $50,000, maybe the R-class if you want minivan or SLK if you are into a roadster.

Monday, June 7, 2010

my cute black kitty

Well, this video was filmed  awhile ago, so she is not a kitty anymore. But I love these videos.

thinking about switching to iPhone4

Finally iPhone4 is here. Rumor was right, it is that iPhone. which one would you get. White one will be the one I am getting if I am getting one. HD video capability and imovie totally bought me. 

fallout 3 for ps3; nuclear bomb detonation

fallout 3 is, by far, my most favorite game. I've seen the ending of the game about 4 times already, and it still makes me want to play.
The one below is the game of the year version that includes all expanded DLC missions. However, this version is known to have too many glitches.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What would you fill in?

What would you fill in the blanks?  

Palm Pre

It's been about a year since i got this palm pre, and I thought that this phone was really a good iphone competitor for that moment. But with limited apps on the app catalog(app store) and poor memory management (you can't multitask occasionally because it's saying there are too many apps running although there is none opened), it wasn't loved by so many people. Although palm pre lost its war on smart phone industry, I still have a hope on web os and new mother company hp. I wish hp comes out with a decent tablet that runs on web os with, hopefully, flash capability.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Walmart Static Car Window Tint

I am not obsessed with car window tinting. It's all because of the window tinting I had on my previous car. It was old and not properly maintained by previous owner. The color of the tinting faded away and some portion of it was cracked. It was very hard to see in night time and even day time, too.

When I was on a 4000 miles long road trip, somehow I decided to remove the tint film myself. one of real idiot things I've done in my life. So I went to walmart to get a tint film removal kit. I went into a forest near by(I don't know why, but I thought it's better than the walmart parking lot), and I started. Without knowing how to, it ended up taking 2 hours to remove that tint film. Two hours includes getting scared by people doing bow shooting practice right by me (I mean the target was by me and bow shooters were far away) and by thumb sized flies that were biting me.

So I don't like tinting since then. The last summer in seattle was very hot and I couldn't stand driving under direct sunlight, but I didn't want tinting. So I went to walmart  to see if they have anything that does not stick to window glass permanently, and I found one that used static. It worked, but it looked very cheap. The one I got was 5% I believe.

I know it looks bad, but you can remove it anytime you are embarrassed with it.

Cool iPad gadget

So you've got the newest and coolest iPad from apple. If you are broke(because of your new iPad), and if you don't want to be robbed(because of your new iPad), this might be a good solution for you. I can't tell you if that piece of news paper will protect you from dropping it though, but you can stare at your iPad's main screen all day long (without worrying about getting robbed) like the guy in the picture. ~Look at that peaceful smile in his face~

Seeding for Spring

Actually Spring just passed us, and summer is coming in just 2 weeks to Seattle. Fred Meyer had sale on seeds and I thought, "sure, why not"?  It's been about a month and the rain just doesn't seem to let up.  Yet, the baby seeds are still growing strong!  I can't wait till harvesting my own organic lettuce, chives, pepper, and basil. Maybe you can grow your own organic garden this year! The pictures below is showing my baby plants growing in harsh Seattle weather. 

The coke zero and mentos rocket car

I am a big fan of Mythbusters on discovery channel. I remember, when they aired the combination of coke and mentos, I was amazed. I got to say youtubers did good job doing pranks and some other creative stuff; however, I thought this was the best I've ever seen.

Folgers coffee comercial

Every time I watch this Folgers coffee comercial, I can't help myself laughing at what's going on here. Yes, it is supposed to be a family reunion for Christmas. But at the end of the commercial when the brother gives a gift to the sister, it get kinda weird when they are looking at each other... It looks like something is going on between the two. Maybe it's just me...

14.4v Stock Traxxas Emaxx

This is my all time favorite 14.4v emaxx from Traxxas. Compared to the newer model, it is slower and has weaker gears. However, this old school emaxx has manual 2 speed gears, which is optional on newer models. This 14.4v emaxx is run by 2 titan motors with orange Novak esc. The roll-cage makes this car too heavy and bulky. But without the roll-cage, I would have ended up paying double the amount of replacement parts. Two 2s 20c 2200mAh lipo batteries are powering the car in the video.

Casio px 130 keyboard

I Just got a new Casio px130 digital piano and tried out the piano for the first time.
I filmed with canon t2i with canon 50mm  F/1.8  lense.  The name of the song is "comptine  d'un  autre  été" well know song from the movie  "Amelie." The keyboard is very nice and responsive, and it feels like a real piano with its weighted hammer action keys. The sound of each key is very real, too. The other consideration was Yamaha P85. In my opinion, this keyboard felt a little less artificial when I was hitting a key. I also got a pro line stand and a chair. The stand is a little wobbly when playing as you can see in the video, but not noticeable if you are the one playing.